“You must have a robe made of fine white linen, and you must wear it when you ride around the Fort tile second seven times.”
WEBER, UTAH, April lyth, 1861. – “It seems that they cannot place their confidence in me unless they could see me ; but they cannot see me until there shall be a temple built, and a holy place appointed for that purpose; and then, if they are worthy, I will meet with them, and speak with them mouth to mouth. It is contrary to the law by which I am governed for me to meet with them in the open air, or to be seen by them. No person can see me without being transfigured; but I will show myself to those who have occasion to see me. If I show myself to my servant who holds the keys of my kingdom, it is sufficient at present ; but, in due time, I will reveal myself to thousands.”
No. 33. WEBER, UTAH, January yth, 1861.
1. THE prophet shall express these words: My dearly beloved bride, I, the prophet of the Lord, having chosen you, according to your birthright, to be my wife for time and all eternity, give unto you my hand and heart in a marriage covenant, according to the holy order of heaven; and swear, in the presence of the Father, and of the Son, that I will be a true and faithful husband unto you.
2. The prophetess shall then express these words: My dearly beloved bridegroom, I, having chosen you to be my husband for time and for all eternity, give unto you my hand and heart in a marriage covenant, according to the holy order of heaven; and swear, in the presence of the Father, and of the Son, that I will be a kind and faithful wife unto you.
3. The prophet and prophetess will then kiss the written word of the Lord, and each other; and their names shall be recorded in a book set apartfor that purpose. I am Jesus Christ. Even so. Amen and Amen.
No. 62. WEBER, UTAH, May 3d, 1861.
BEHOLD, I am the light and the life of the world; the same which moves forth in the darkness, and the darkness comprehendeth it not. I am he who speaks the word, and all the heavenly hosts obey; who groaned upon the cross, and all eternity was pained. And I am come to speak unto you, my son; concerning those whom you have ordained to the holy priesthood. It is necessary that you should enter into an order whereby to instruct them in those things which I have revealed unto you, that they may be prepared for the work which I have called them to do. There is a great work lying before them, and they need to be preparing themselves for it. And this order which you must commence, you shall call the "School of the Prophets." And in that school you shall teach the hidden mysteries of my Church. And you shall gather together the high priests as often as you can make it convenient, and instruct them on this wise. And, for the time being, you may admit into the school the priests of Aaron; but, in due time, there will be none admitted into this school but high priests. And this order shall be fully established in the Church, and it shall continue as long as the fullness of the priesthood continues upon the earth. And you shall preside over this school, and it shall be conducted after this manner: It shall be opened by singing and prayer, and there shall be perfect order kept in the school. There shall be but one person speak at once, and all others shall sit in silence; and there shall be no laughter allowed in the school. And, inasmuch as my servants will hearken unto my words and obey them, I will meet with them in this holy place, and they shall be filled with wisdom. Every endowment necessary shall be granted unto them. It is my delight to build them up in those things which belong to eternal life. Let them not fear, for, if they will hearken unto me, I will be with them unto the end. I am Jesus Christ. Even so. Amen and Amen.
In a Letter to William Harris, March 21st, 1860. - “With respect to Jacobs sons: You know that Jacob had four wives; and that, according to the heavenly order, no woman can have two sons to hold a first birthright; therefore, the firstborn sons of those four wives held the first birthright; after them came the four second born sons, and so on with the remaining four, according to their own order. Their places according to their birthrights are as follows: Joseph, Reuben, Dan, Gad, Benjamin, Simeon, Naphtali, Asher, Levi, Judah, Issachar, Zebulun. Joseph, although he was not born the first, held the first birthright… ...John, in Rev. 21: 12, in speaking of the New Jerusalem, says that, "it had a wall great and high, and had twelve gates, and at the gates twelve angels, and names written thereon, which are the names of the twelve tribes of the children of Israel." You shall now receive the signs and tokens pertaining unto those twelve gates. Ephraim with the sign of corn, Manasseh with the sign of an arrow, Reuben with the sign of grape vines, Dan with the sign of serpents, Gad with the sign of wine, Benjamin with the sign of crescent moons, Simeon with the sign of a sword, Naphtali with the sign of a stag, Asher with the sign of a tent, Levi with the sign of the priestly blessing, Judah with the sign of payment, Issachar with the sign of barely, Zebulun with the sign of a pen. Therefore take up your pen and write the endowments for this people: even as my servants, Joseph Smith and Lyman Wight did. James Strange, did not have a chance to in his mortal life.”
(Hand signs it is most likely referring to, which signify similar things in other esoteric traditions as far as I can tell. I saw a diagram with hands signs loosely placed in one of my mother's old books, I collected these ones based on them.)
WEBER, UTAH, March ist, 1861.
1. THERE ARE eternal, fixed laws by which all God’s work and are regulated, and those laws first originated in the council of the first Gods. When the laws were made, the first God signed - them with his own hand; and he is sworn to sustain them. The Lord says that his course is one eternal round. All Gods are governed by those eternal laws, and upon this principle the Lord could justly say that his purposes never fail.
2. Moses said that, "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." What God was it who created this earth? It was Adam's own Father who gave the command for it to be formed out of unorganized matter, and his own sons created it for Adam, his firstborn son; and when it was first formed, it was a dark body, and the Lord saw that it was necessary for them to have light, and he commanded them to create the sun, moon and stars to give it light, and these lights rule the seasons, both days, weeks, months and years, and they were placed in the firmament above to reflect their light upon the earth.
3 This world has moved one hundred and forty-four thousand times since it was created; and when this world moves, the sun, moon and stars move with it, to give it light; and from the time that it was first created, until it becomes celestial, it will continue to grow; and as it has grown the inhabitants have increased upon it. This world has supported its own inhabitants, both in food and raiment.
4. We may ask the question, Do angels eat food and wear clothing in their first estate ? Yes. We may also ask the question, Where did the seeds come from to this earth which yield forth all all kinds of fruit? The seed is in the earth, and is self-existent like all other matter; and when a world is created, all trees and herbs spring forth upon it to supply the inhabitants; in fact, all worlds support their own inhabitants, whether they are temporal, or spiritual, or eternal.-
5. Was the animal creation first spiritually created? Yes; and they were used by men in their spiritual estate as they are now used by them in their temporal estate ; when man moves, they move with him, to be used by him, for they were created for the use of man, and are as eternal as he is… … With respect to the animal creation: all things, whether of the vegetable or animal creation, had a spiritual growth before they had a temporal one ; and all that has a temporal growth will have an eternal growth ; therefore, trees and herbs of all kinds will have a resurrection as well as all species of animals.
WEBER, UTAH, March ist, 1861. – “Moses informed us that the Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden, and there he put the man whom he had formed. What garden was that referred to by Moses? It was the whole earth. What tree was that standing in the midst of the garden, representing the principle of good and evil, which the woman was commanded not to touch? It was the devil. Good was already in the world, and he brought the evil. Which way did he bring the evil? He beguiled Eve; she gave way to him, and he begot Cain who was a murderer, for he slew his brother. Who was Cain? He was the second born son of Adam. Why did he murder his brother, Abel? Because he is a fallen angel. He fell in his first estate, and one-third of Adam's sons and daughters fell with him in like manner as Lucifer and his band fell. Had Lucifer once a mortal body? Yes; and all who fell with him had mortal bodies on the mortal earth that preceded this; but they lost their mortal bodies, and never obtained a resurrection; and they will finally meet with their second death, which is the death of the spirit. They will be cast into that lake burning with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.
What was the cause of Cain's fall? He sought to take away -the birthright from Abel, the firstborn son, and this could not be done; therefore, he concluded to establish himself, and he revolted from under his father's government, and drew one-third of Adam's children with him.
Letter to Brigham Young from Joseph Morris, UTAH, November i9th, 1860. – “Who was his father? Lucifer, the devil. Was it right for Cain to come first into this world, and lead death into it? Yes? Why so? When he fell in his first estate, his father entered into a covenant with him, which is as follows: "Now, my second born son, seeing that you have revolted from under my government, and have sought to set up a government of your own, in opposition to mine. Inasmuch as my firstborn son ruled in the first estate, you shall lead off and rule in the second estate. And it shall come to pass that, if you conquer me and my prophets, you shall hold the world in your grasp, and I will lose all; but, if I conquer you, I will not leave one of you alive, neither temporally nor spiritually."
What spirit was that which inhabited the body of Judas, who betrayed the Savior? It was that same spirit that inhabited the body of Cain? What spirit was that which inhabited the body of Cain? The same spirit that inhabits the beast which is now in your midst. Why did that spirit come forth in the latter days and enter into the Church of Christ to destroy it. That he might hold his grasp, and destroy the world.”